How to Integrate the Paas3D (Custom Page)?

This feature allows you to display selected products.

To get started, Go to your Theme and click Customize

Select Product and click the Add Section below 

Then select the Paas3D App (Custome Page) and you can drag the block and place it in any order you'd like.

After choosing the Paas3D custom page, on the left side, you can customize it and (1) adjust the height and (2) choose what products you want to display. You can also (3) Enable the Variants Section and  Enable Add to Cart Button and (4) select the model background Image

If you're happy with your customization, click on the "save" button to make your changes live on your store. If you're not satisfied with it, you can always go back to the theme editor and make further changes.  If you don't want it to display anymore on your store you can remove the block anytime.

Feel free to chat with our support team if you have any questions.😊

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